For all enquiries and free quotes:

01433 670224

Using the traditional skills of the cabinet maker, our furniture is crafted in the Hope Valley using the finest sustainable hardwoods. We also have a tradition of creating one-off pieces to commission.

Everything about our process distinguishes it from that of the mass producers. You talk personally with the furniture maker who will see possibilities and options because he understands how to design and build the pieces. The maker is uniquely placed to problem solve around factors such as uneven floors and crooked walls typical of older properties, because he has the hands on experience of actually making the furniture.

Starting with an informal chat to exchange ideas and refine the options, we will then produce a 3D CAD drawing (photo realistic image) and free quotation which helps you visualise the work in situ and helps us with a more detailed conversation with you to highlight additional needs to finalise the design.

We are skilled in project management and can draw on our extensive range of trusted contacts including electricians, plumbers and other trades to ensure a smooth workflow.

The vast majority of our work comes from the referral of our satisfied customers.  Whether you require a beautifully hand built kitchen or bedroom or a piece of free standing furniture you can contact us so we can discuss your vision.  We offer a no pressure sales policy.

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